September 4th - 6th, 2019 Portland, Maine.
Proposal Guidelines and Form
The Program Content Team for the 12th Annual Summit on Performance Management Excellence invites you to submit a proposal to present at this year’s conference. This year’s conference will be in Portland, Maine from September 4-6, 2019.
- Proposals should be submitted by completing and submitting the online proposal form below by midnight CST, April 5th, 2019.
- The contact person for a proposal will be notified by e-mail no later than April 20, 2019 if the proposal they submitted has been accepted.
We encourage proposals pertaining to all areas of program evaluation, research and quality assurance/continuous improvement. Proposals may be submitted by:
- Program evaluation and quality assurance/continuous improvement practitioners
- Researchers
- Advocates
- Graduate students
- Educators
- Administrators
Guidelines for Preparing A Proposal
We are accepting proposals for conference presentations, roundtable discussions, and poster sessions:
Types of Presentations
Conference Presentation
60- or 75-minute session
These sessions are presentations to an audience with Q & A generally at the end of the session. The content of these sessions is usually completed research/evaluations; however, they can also include presentations about ongoing research and evaluations that the review committee deems of particular interest to conference attendees.
Roundtable Discussion
60 minutes
These sessions provide a smaller setting (10-15 participants) where a Roundtable Convener and the participants have an active give and take on a particular topic. These are meant to be informal and VR-practice oriented, not another lecture/presentation session. The Roundtables are 60 minutes and occur in one of the meeting rooms. Roundtable Discussions have been used as:
- follow-up sessions to a larger formal presentation in order to provide an opportunity to learn more about information presented in the larger presentation
- conversations about specific topics which are not a follow-up to a larger presentation – collecting and verifying credential information, analyzing case review results, evaluating pre-ETS service providers, etc.
An individual may submit a proposal for just a Roundtable Discussion or for a Conference Presentation with an accompanying Roundtable Discussion.
Poster Session
2 scheduled 50-minute sessions
The intent is to provide additional opportunities for Summit attendees who wish to show interesting evaluations they have completed, evaluations in process and evaluations they are considering. This provides a more casual setting for conversations between the presenter and their audience. “Posters” may be actual posters or may be a looping PowerPoint presentation or video on a laptop. There would be a designated time and place for poster sessions and conference attendees would be able to mingle among the presenters, ask questions and learn about many initiatives in a short period of time.
Helpful Tips
- Posters will remain displayed during the entire conference.
- Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
- Please ensure that your title and description reflect the content of your proposed presentation as accurately as possible.
- Each proposal must be submitted separately (Conference Presentation, Roundtable Discussions, Poster Session) unless you are proposing a follow-up Roundtable Discussion as part of your Conference Presentation. If that is the case, check both boxes on your proposal submission.
- The proposal review committee accepts electronic submissions only.
If you should have questions about whether or not your topic would fit, contact:
- For Presentations: Ann Lynn Banton |
- For Roundtables: HarrietAnn Litwin |
- For Poster Sessions: Michael Shoemaker |