Join us in our commitment to improve performance management and quality assurance in the state vocational rehabilitation system.
Together, we’ll achieve excellence in providing services to people with disabilities that result in quality employment outcomes.
Conference attendees will:
- Collaborate and share resources with knowledgeable professionals and sponsoring agencies
- Access resources for technical assistance
- Learn evaluation results and research outcomes from VR practitioners and researchers
- Get insight on VR Agencies’ strategies for internal controls, post exit services, program evaluation, case review processes, accurate data collection of credentials, skills gains and other workplace integration processes.
Things To Do:
- Gather around the campfire with other VR program evaluation and quality assurance professionals
- Round-up your peers to solve problems and identify solutions
- Lasso tools to create excellence in your agency
CRC and LPC continuing education credits will be available for conference sessions.

September 4th – 6th, 2018
September 4th
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), sponsored by WINTAC.
PEQA-TAC Advanced Workshop.
September 5th – 6th
Collaborate with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program Evaluators and others interested in creating excellence within state VR agencies.
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